
Moving Home

 Much like the military, federal agents move around throughout their career. Some move more often than others, depending on whether they want to relocate to be near family or need to move to another office for promotion purposes. Regardless, almost all agents are first assigned a city other than the one they live in when they get the job. How you "get home" varies by situation. On occasion, agents can be traded between cities or they can be transferred. Most transfers are voluntary, meaning it's the financial responsibility of the agent to relocate. In some instances, the agency will cover the expenses associated with moving, to include facilitating with the sale and purchase of homes.

We applied for a voluntary transfer once my husband was eligible. Eligibility typically requires that the agent have worked a minimum of five years. We were fortunate to have our transfer application approved and moved home in the fall of 2008, five years after I had moved there.

My husband's first assignment, while challenging at times, was truly a blessing for both of us. His coworkers were wonderful and opened many doors for him and his career within the agency. I made wonderful friends whom I cherish and still speak with almost daily. Being away from friends and family the first five years of marriage strengthened our relationship and best of all, we had a daughter while we were there. 

We were incredibly lucky to be able to sell our home considering the economic crisis was in full-swing at the time we moved. We were also fortunate to find a beautiful, affordable home to move into which was very close to friends and family. Truth be told, we moved onto the same street as some of our friends which has been a blessing.

My husband's late nights or out of town trips don't affect me like they used to because I don't feel as alone as I once did. Shortly before moving home, a new agent joined my husband's office and his wife became a great friend of mine. She has had many of the same experiences I had while I was there, and I'm sad that I moved away from her. We both felt better having one another to share experiences with. If they stay there long-term, I hope she will have the opportunity to connect with new agents and their spouses as they move into the area.


  1. I wish you would continue posting. My husband is going through the process now, and I would love to know what to expect. There doesn't seem to be personal accounts or insight on what life looks like when that is what your husband does. Right now it's hard to imagine that life will ever look much different than it does now, and I want to be prepared for the change. Please consider coming back to your blog, or if you have any suggestions of other blogs, I would love that! Thanks :)

    1. Bri, is your hubby currently in the hiring processes or has he already gone through the academy?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My husband wants to be an fbi agent but I am really nervous about the whole thing. We have our first baby on the way and imagining our lives, with him as an agent seems not ideal. Is it a good familyman type job? I want him to be at our kids sports and stuff and i dont want to be alone all the time raising a family.

  3. Hi, my husband passed all the tests and just had his security back group and is going for his medicinal examine in 2 weeks, he doesn't seem to know when he will be going to the academy (he currently is an IA at FBI) seems like he is getting close, any idea on when you think he would start? I appreciate any insight!

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  6. To be honest, this agent's wife sounded as if she wanted to commit suicide. The way she described her experience sounded so blah. I wouldn't be surprised if he physically abused her a few times as well. Why on earth would a woman want to be a Federal agent's wife? These individuals are the biggest scums on the planet and fornication is usually inevitable with most agent's, when we speak of marriage. Sorry, but it comes with the territory. Also, a lot of these agent's are behind child-sex trafficking ring's. I'm sure that's not an experience a agent share's with his wife. There's so much instability with moving around, that a woman can't help but to turn her head in different places, and have interest in other men.
